Discontent in a sentence as a noun

How to deal with the discontent: 1. Make things worse for everybody, much worse, 2.

Knowing people who're discontent like you helps only if you know they won't stab you in the back. Avoid ultimatums.

It's a pressure valve designed to bleed off discontent, not an actual channel for affecting change.

You show children how we hold an animal captive for our own amusement and then you take offense when the animal shows discontent.

If there are discontent growing because of an lack of transparency, it should be addressed and fixed with high priority.

Maybe the feeling is that your personal statement of discontent with x86 is not really relevant to the story that new instructions have been added to x86. This is probably why you were downvoted.

Discontent in a sentence as a verb

There are up and down arrows for expressing your discontent. Everything else--including this--is noise, not signal.

But later in college, and ever since, a growing discontent with being isolated from in-person interactions.

Ignorance on many levels is the reason for much of the discontent and injustice occurring where government and internet coalesce.

Had the author talked to them, expressed discontent, explained why she felt their behavior was inappropriate, and all that, I'm sure everyone would've come out ahead. Instead, these poor folks are getting smeared for cracking wise to each other during a conference.

Given current post-Snowden climate they surely realize that something as obnoxiuos as built-in browser tracking is going to raise a storm of discontent. But they have decided to realize this information anyway.

Instead of acknowledging these changes as the source of discontent, he blames customers and the review site for pointing issues out. Instead of penning op-eds he should be training his staff, buying higher quality ingredients, and listening to customer complaints.

Discontent in a sentence as an adjective

Smirk at people who drive BMWs. Remember that a million years of evolution has made humanity naturally discontent-- do you think happiness/contentedness is a survival trait? Add to that the external pressure of peers who make it big, do "great things", and the river of marketing telling you that you need fancier watches, shinier cars, the newest iPhone.

The basic issue is that people aren't discontent with our government. Sure they have a general distaste for it in the same way they have a general distaste for going to the dentist, but if you sit down and really look at the issues, the big questions of governance, there is no collective consensus about doing anything important differently.

The existing republican establishment has harnessed the Tea Party's discontent to justify their policies without actually reforming how the party operates. All the tea party caucus can do is occasionally grind things to a complete and utter halt, and the leadership can to a large extent control when and how that happens.

The other day while reading about the growing discontent with the price of subscriptions and remembering the similar problem with the price of student text the only thing I could think about was that few of today's texts are better than the classic mathematical texts. I've a small shelf of books published by Chelsea with names on them like Hilbert, Abel, Gauss and others who pretty much established the base line of modern mathematics.

Marc Aurel: If something in the exterior world makes you discontent, then it is not that object which troubles you, but rather your judgement of it; yet to blot out this judgement instantly is within your power. And if your dissatisfaction is based on the condition of your soul, who can prohibit you from correcting your views? Likewise, if you are discontent because you are not doing what seems reasonable to you, why not be active rather than discontent?" But something stronger than me is obstructing me." Still, do not be discontent; for the cause for your inaction is not within you."

The core purpose of making their numbers known is to impart to Congress and the Obama administration their discontent with the status quo, with legislation increasingly adopted for the benefit of the investment banks in particular, and the extremely wealthy more generally, to the detriment of the rest of the country. It is a not-so-subtle reminder that while those other guys may fund their election campaigns, the rest of us are the ones who can take up pitchforks and torches, and have a good old-fashioned mob lynching if things go too far in the wrong direction.

Discontent definitions


a longing for something better than the present situation

See also: discontentment discontentedness


make dissatisfied


showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing; "saw many discontent faces in the room"; "was discontented with his position"

See also: discontented