Discontentment in a sentence as a noun

For your own sake, keep track of how long your happiness lasts before discontentment sets in.

The anger and discontentment of the working class caused by declining wages is what needs to be fixed.

For example management might start tracking LoC per Dev and this will lead to discontentment for all the correct reasons.

There is in fact widespread discontentment about the status quo among women. Women report wanting more kids than they end up having.

But now days when I get the wanderlust or some feeling of discontentment and find myself wondering, "there must be more to life than this?" , I just try changing something small in my routine, like, "you know what?

This certainly does nothing to help with the record level of discontentment the government is experiencing.

If I was forced to accept a new minimum-wage job, I'd probably be angry, but that wouldn't mean that my discontentment was based in reason.

But concomitant with being dark may be a range of other attributes which lead to unhappiness, discontentment, or lack of success.

I find the ideas of people who approach the world with this discontentment, which seems sophomoric to me instead of insightful, to be rather milquetoast. The elite are disillusioned because they're comfy.

I hope not, but the discontentment seems to be spreading rapidly and the assaults on rights gives people the moral justification, in their mind to take drastic measures.

I'm trying to encourage talking wages at work, and have gotten my division to disclose theirs, but there's a lot of "oh, but it could lead to discontentment" in the rest of the company. And if you know Norwegians, being mildly at unease is the worst thing that can happen.

It has a lot of discontentment, and is likely to see many people trying to do massive changes in a hope to get it in sync with what they perceive as current good design. Until design stop to change, the changes will likely continue without loosing any speed.

You're worldly accomplishments will never be able to satisfy that discontentment, as the two areas are unrelated.

It comes out of the discontentment with the behavioral patterns that old paradigms instill in people. Out of the desire of wanting to show people can still marvel by doing something they're used to but in a completely better and awesome way.

I found it confusing from the perspective of a beginner and had a feeling of discontentment as an intermediate. Though some topics were elaborately expounded but some were vague or confusing.

I struggle with the same thing too on a monthly basis, the constant pull towards discontentment. I often find it's when I've stopped giving thanks daily and, consciously or otherwise, allowed myself to believe that "these material things matter and they are mine to have".

The meal did not change in any appreciable way, but understanding that a huge amount of the resources we need to survive is wasted on an outsider's frivolous amusement leads to discontentment. In practice, the worst extreme of this dynamic seems to be the use of pale-skinned models for advertising in areas where people have dark skin.

Like that daze you can get when coming out from a cinema, except you just go can just go straight back into the cinema to numb that feeling of discontentment. When I cut out social media, reddit, youtube and imgur, I was essentially left with nothing to do when inbetween hobbies and work, but you quickly start finding ways to spend your downtime with more fulfilling passtimes.

I’ve had several economists explain that to me as the source of growing worker discontentment: they give more labor for less value delivered to them, but it makes the number bigger on the books. You say it doesn’t make sense for the parties involved, but that’s only true of the two families: the government gets extra tax revenue if the families make that exchange.

Or, even more laughably, to obscure the nature of reality from yourself so that you can continue to believe that you have the high ground in some realm of ideas, despite your losses and discontentment in the observable universe? It strikes me as suspicious that someone with this obvious contempt for the masses could take hold of a meditative practice and use it objectively, to discover the true nature of anything, let alone any inner 'true' happiness.

Discontentment definitions


a longing for something better than the present situation

See also: discontent discontentedness