Devout in a sentence as an adjective

Barney Jones is a devout Christian, you best listen to this man.

John over in mobile dev is a devout Muslim, I'll bet he doesn't take kindly to such things as gay marriage.

If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by.

ESR has been doing this for years, even though he now only has a very small group of devout followers who consider his ramblings significant.

So yes, on average Texans are among the most devout Christians and among the worst educated in the United States.

Offensive to women, men, people with devout religious beliefs, investors who took the time to listen to these presentations, and the list goes on.

"a devout Christian and father of four," is this suppose to portray an image of NOW that he is no longer with Google and after working there "between 2002 and 2006," he wants to "do the right thing.

"I'm sure devout fans of Trance, Country, Jazz, Classical and all sorts of other kinds of music likewise get into some pretty esoteric knowledge, when viewed from outside their sphere.

It is a paint-by-numbers approach to success, and it certainly guarantees its devout adherant a substantial degree of material comfort.

That's the thing, this debacle was the very first time that devout Apple users en-masse looked at Android and went "Android does maps flat out better".That's going to have real long-term consequences I'm not sure Apple even understands yet.

[citation needed]Here's some nonsense I just made up:"Christians and other devout believers in a purely spiritual reality are pretty susceptible to things like alcoholism and becoming atheists.

> Atheism and other devout believers in a purely physical, meaningless and non-spiritual reality are pretty susceptible to things like alcoholism and born-again Christianty.

Devout definitions


deeply religious; "a god-fearing and law-abiding people" H.L.Mencken

See also: god-fearing


earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences"

See also: dear earnest heartfelt