Heartfelt in a sentence as an adjective

Where is the heartfelt apology for the screw up?

I thought this was a lovely, heartfelt, clearly-written article.

The tagline for such a payment system should be "Let's not have another heartfelt message from Jimmy Wales".

Sending heartfelt thank-you's, even at five seconds apiece, will not fix problems on the employer's end.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to Aarons family, friends, and everyone who loved, knew, and admired him.

Despite all this, I knew nothing about the man himself, which - judging from this heartfelt article - is as good and intelligent as his comics.

I probably should keep my mouth shut, but after seeing so many posts about how great Path is for giving such a genuine and heartfelt "mea culpa", I can't help it.

For all of the catty infighting we, as an industry, engage in at times I have been pleasantly surprised with how sincere and heartfelt a lot of the responses to this event have been.

Is that your perception, or do the people around you, able to give an unbiased opinion concur?Afterall I'm not entirely convinced that my heartfelt conviction of alchohol's beneficial effects on my singing are universally shared.

This is my heartfelt belief, and if I'm wrong I would really like to be able to learn something.> Make you wonder if our industry's mind share being wasted on web apps and consumer gadgets because of the profit incentive associated?I find this sentiment strange.

Heartfelt definitions


earnest; "one's dearest wish"; "devout wishes for their success"; "heartfelt condolences"

See also: dear devout earnest