Debacle in a sentence as a noun

Any Google search on his name from now on will probably reveal this whole debacle.

What strikes me the most about this whole debacle is that people have complained for ages that Google doesn't "get" social.

I worked for Yahoo in the years surrounding the Microsoft debacle.

This aQuantive debacle is a result of Microsoft trying to do exactly the same thing with Google.

Morell was passed over for promotion after the Petraeus debacle.

The truth is in the middle!Of course, the entire debacle can be summed up with the following exchange:Q: "How many miles did you have left to drive on the final leg?

Unfortunately the claims made in the current debacle are not permitting a reasoned discussion, either by mistake or design, which is incredibly frustrating.

One of the best parts about this whole Soylent debacle is getting to watch well-known people make complete fools of themselves by commenting on things that they clearly know absolutely nothing about, but still feel like they have the right to make authoritative statements on.

Debacle definitions


a sudden and violent collapse

See also: fiasco


flooding caused by a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river during the spring or summer


a sound defeat

See also: thrashing walloping drubbing slaughter trouncing whipping