Bragging in a sentence as a noun

He wasn't bragging; that's just what Ron's life is like.

I'm not saying I know how to fix it, I'm not bragging I could do better, but **** yes is there something wrong.

No, the "bad news" is not him humble-bragging about obsoleting himself.

A company bragging about itself in a way to make employees work more without asking to get paid for it?

But crowing about it is a bit like taking a **** on the guy whose shoulders you're standing on while bragging about how tall you are.

Bragging in a sentence as an adjective

Ok, bit of a bragging moment here: my grandpa, with two other gentlemen, created the process for machining seamless cans that is described here.

Those female premeds are almost certainly more interested in working with patients than in beating their chest and bragging about how they got into a good med school.

But all such recipients are entitled to bragging rights; therefore the numbers printed on those checks inevitably become known to random members of the public.

Diveroli refused, but he couldn't resist bragging about his exploits; as agents recorded his every word, he talked about hunting alligators and hogs in the Everglades with a .50-caliber rifle.

I don't think you'll get very accurate results from limiting yourself to the small fraction of developers who: - don't mind disclosing their salary in public - don't have any co-workers, employers, or clients who read this site - have a single fixed rate that they charge everybody - don't plan to change their rate in the future - make enough to not feel silly disclosing their rate in public - don't make so much that they'll feel like they're just bragging I'd personally be happy to tick a box, but I'm not going to quote my rate here.

Bragging definitions


an instance of boastful talk; "his brag is worse than his fight"; "whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade"

See also: brag crow crowing vaporing line-shooting gasconade


exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"

See also: boastful braggy cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandizing self-aggrandising