Boastful in a sentence as an adjective

"Ore" is mostly used by men, and carries a boastful tone.

"Hacker, ok. There's nothing boastful about that term.

The other, a confessed -- nay, proudly boastful -- mass murderer.

Those who are wealthy and happy give to charity, and not for greedy reasons or boastful vanity.

If YOU don't want to be thought of as smug and boastful, then don't publish articles like this where you are smugly bragging about who you schooled.

Being declarative, boastful, and at times a bit cocky is not a good quality to broadcast to all employers.

One can appreciate that something may not be to a person's taste, but boastful willing ignorance is bad form.

This article comes off as a bit boastful and somewhat of an advertisement for the company..."What threw a wrench into the works was that SumAll isn’t your typical company.

Your unequivocal boastful marketing -- and evaluation of other solutions -- is perhaps not entirely forthcoming.

The two boys had the open, joyous, friendly confidence of kittens who do not expect to get hurt, they had an innocently natural, non-boastful sense of their own value and as innocent a trust in any stranger's ability to recognize it, they had the eager curiosity that would venture anywhere with the certainty that life held nothing unworthy of or closed to discovery, and they looked as if, should they encounter malevolence, they would reject it contemptuously, not as dangerous, but as stupid, they would not accept it in bruised resignation as the law of existence.

Boastful definitions


exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"

See also: braggy cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandizing self-aggrandising