Self-aggrandizing in a sentence as an adjective

If there's anything worse than crockford being a jerk, it's the self-aggrandizing asi crowd.

Honestly, I just don't really like the self-aggrandizing ring of "I'm CEO and cofounder".

This is a somewhat ugly and self-aggrandizing view.

Some of the stuff Wolfram worked on was neat, but I really don't care for the self-aggrandizing tone of everything he writes.

We can call it other things if that's less offensive: petulant, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing, perhaps.

Its self-aggrandizing tone of righteousness leaves me increasingly offended by her apparent lack of integrity and empathy in the ongoing pursuit of influence and power.

Today it is composed of accurate, well-written sentences and inaccurate, self-aggrandizing, or just schizophrenic sentences.

The video headline should actually read:GoDaddy CEO helps with controlled thinning of population of dangerous animal while still managing to appear masturbatory, insensitive and self-aggrandizing.

Self-aggrandizing definitions


of or relating to or characteristic of self-aggrandizement

See also: self-aggrandising


exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"

See also: boastful braggy cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandising