Braggy in a sentence as an adjective

It's meant to be a bit braggy insofar as to show off as how cool that time was.

Lol, I don't know whats so bad in Telegram being a bit "braggy" about their stuff.

Writing that out seems to really bring out a part of my brain that makes it always feel braggy.

The terms are all really standard, and listing out features by their names hardly feels braggy.

I am not saying this to brag, because I honestly don't feel braggy about it right now.

But you can't be too overt or braggy about it otherwise it will get annoying to your coworkers and then you will suffer.

Which is why there are so many braggy blog posts by engineering teams when they manage to build 60fps animations on modern browsers.

"This struck me as humble-braggy, and not particularly enlightening.

Braggy definitions


exhibiting self-importance; "big talk"

See also: boastful cock-a-hoop crowing self-aggrandizing self-aggrandising