Bats in a sentence as an adjective

UKers, just make sure you get ash bats, not maple.

OP pointed out a trend -- 8/10 of the top "Movers and Shakers" are bats/batons.

Real British patriots use cricket bats on their looting spree.

In the UK people are not allowed to own fire arms, but baseball bats are a different thing altogether.

You can even get a 384 kHz system these days, which would be overengineered for dogs and is more than good enough for bats.

I don't care at all that bats are closely related to mice because they're acting nothing like mice when zooming over my fence.

I expect sentience to exist in other species for the same reason that birds, bats and flying squirrels have convergent adaptations.

But do the same thing to some funny-looking microencephalitic relatives of humans and hardly anyone bats an eye.

Every kid who decides to major in ancient languages, philosophy or creative arts takes a way bigger risk and nobody bats an eye.

This summer when there is an Occupy or 99% demonstration in your country, do you want young men in helmets and masks carrying baseball bats and molotov cocktails to take charge of it?

This summer when there is an Occupy or 99% demonstration in your country, do you want young men in helmets and mass carrying baseball bats and molotov cocktails to take charge of it?

If anyone wants to believe that pesticides are not the cause, it's easy to view the available data and say, "see, that's not proof".In my opinion, one day we'll look back and figure out that bees and bats were our canaries in the coal mine.

It is not acceptable for no one in the company to know why an account was disabled or how to go about reinstating it!If piracy can be called "stealing" and no one bats an eye, I'm going to go ahead and call account lockouts with resolution refusal stealing as well.

They acted immorally, yes, but is justifiable to summarily execute their company?Google has a domineering position in the market, and it's a bit ironic that people were quick to call for Microsoft to be split into multiple companies about a decade ago, yet nobody bats an eye when Google exercises their power.

Bats definitions


informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"

See also: balmy barmy batty bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy