Buggy in a sentence as a noun

On a related note, I once had a dispute with Valve about a buggy game I bought on Steam.

This may sometimes be buggy, the Unix command support is 1 week old, and I hack on this very late at night.

And apparently the Cisco firmware is buggy, no surprise there.

How do you know the formal verification process itself isn't buggy?

In the lifespan of those two men, humanity went from horse-and-buggy to standing on the moon.

Buggy in a sentence as an adjective

The networking stack was extremely buggy and would fail with too many concurrent connections.

Why does everything have to be a complicated buggy JavaScript app?

There are no more buggy-whip manufacturers, chimney sweeps, blacksmiths, coopers, automobile welders, and so on.

The company struggles on for a few years and is saved at the last minute by a buy out by a company at an early stage of the cycle who slowly port all the customers and buggy **** to their product platform.

As much as I like WebGL as a dev, Microsoft's arguments against feeding arbitrary machine code to buggy graphics cards that have kernel-level memory access privileges... seemed a bit convincing.

Buggy definitions


a small lightweight carriage; drawn by a single horse

See also: roadster


informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"

See also: balmy barmy bats batty bonkers cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy


infested with bugs