Batty in a sentence as an adjective

Drove me batty until I figured it out.

While we are on the topic, the whole "Godwin" **** drives me batty.

Larry is a fruit cake, a nut job, crazy as a loon, batty as a belfry.

It drives me batty that after a page is open for a little while the "more" link breaks.

Yeah, that **** has been driving me crazy for a long time now. I imagine a batty old librarian riffling through a filing cabinet of my emails saying "ooh wait, I found more!

You missed one key point of the article, this is only practical if it's the only machine you use. When you try to switch between an "innovative" keyboard and a "normal" keyboard you'll go batty.

If you are at 40% of your financial stress limit, and 40% of your relationship stress limit, and 40% of your Micro-Manager driving you batty limit, then you are at 120% of your limits.

Batty definitions


informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"

See also: balmy barmy bats bonkers buggy cracked crackers daft dotty fruity haywire kooky kookie loco loony loopy