Fanaticism in a sentence as a noun

And of course blind catholic fanaticism only helps to keep them contained. So they think they're "happy".

We need fanaticism to counter balance apathy. There is nothing more empowering than a belief in what you do, why you do it, or who you do it for.

I admire, and respect the fanaticism and detail that goes into their products. As someone who loves money, I respect a company that rose from the ashes to having 100+ billion dollars in the bank.

This is analogous to transforming from fanboyism to fanaticism. I hail from a place where the worth of 200$ or 300$ for a tablet cannot be justified, where we demand true value for money.

It doesn't use the Nike-esque marketing playbook Apple does, and as such, it doesn't inspire the hero worship or the fanaticism in the States. But it's been quietly building up a massive empire.

> such passion and fanaticism Huh? Okay, let's say "3 stories on the frontpage" indicates passion, but where is the fanaticism?

However, the TDD baby is staying right here while I toss out the fanaticism bath water. I believe that TDD is a useful tool and that one way to think about it is as a form of Design by Contract at the implementation level.

The poster didn't say "every 19 year old is a vocal fan boy who posts 4 times a day" The poster said that there are some 19 year olds who are very vocal about their fanaticism and who post 4 times a day. It's not ageism because it's not generalized to an entire group of people.

>Competency doesn't require fanaticism, and no employer should expect that their employees devote their entire lives to their occupation. Very true.

That type of thing is exactly why I'm glad there's a dearth of such extreme political fanaticism. In the end, a democracy will only be as intelligent as its people are educated, and even the educated can fall prey to the madness of the masses.

It's highly likely that the same lynch mob would have gone after a man who aroused their fanboy ire, and with the same level of zeal and fanaticism. Playing the gender card here does no favors to Violet's otherwise interesting and provocative analysis.

If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents\n with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone\n else – then count me out. If we are about intimidating the free\n speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies\n who came before us.

Why it's suddenly such an issue on HN, worthy of such passion and fanaticism. For all that is happening in the world, and even just the tech world, whether you use one identity system or another to comment on someone's ripped from Vine video on YouTube sits pretty low on the importance scale.

I don't understand why people can be so hypocritical and do the electric car cause a huge disservice by this blind fanaticism. Gasoline cars have had decades of experience with countless recalls to perfect certain processes and implementations.

Competency doesn't require fanaticism, and no employer should expect that their employees devote their entire lives to their occupation. If I want to code for 8 or 10 hours a day, go home and enjoy myself in the little free time I do have, then wake up and do it again, I don't see why that makes me an inferior employee.

As a company you can't really tell that based on a bunch of internet hot air—especially about something that inspires the kind of fanaticism that Bitcoin does. I'm not sure why this makes you so angry and where you draw your sense of entitlement from, but it's certainly not free to support Bitcoin just because you proclaim it to be.

There is little in the way of psychopathy, narcissism, addiction, unhealthy ideological fanaticism, or depression on display among the protagonists. Cyberpunk has proven to be the most prophetic of the sci-fi genres by far.

I like aspects of libertarianism, but I think capitalist fanaticism is immoral. I like the concept of individual responsibility, but at the same time I feel that helping our fellow citizens is part of being a responsible individual.

Now perhaps you mean that the FSF serves an important function, in that their fanaticism makes the open source movement look more reasonable and thus more acceptable to the mainstream. But I think the very fact that actual positions held by free software and open source advocates are so similar make it hard for mainstream observers to appreciate the distinction.

The pre-eminent symbol of our the multicultural, multiracial society of the future defeated the pre-eminent symbol of the darkest, bleakest throwback to medieval religious fanaticism. Im not ashamed to use the following language: Good defeated evil.

To elaborate on this, fanaticism often looks like a great idea to those allied with the fanatics, even if they disagree with their behavior. But people should not feel entitled to fanaticism because they think they are right, because that's how you get people like Santorum. Everyone thinks they are right, after all. It's hypocritical to say fanaticism is a luxury permissible to the "good guys" and not to the "bad guys".

There is little in the way of psychopathy, narcissism, addiction, unhealthy ideological fanaticism, or depression on display among the protagonists. In Star Trek's hypothesized post-scarcity civilization, I would think a lot of humans take the time they would have spent working, and spend it on raising their kids well--or, even more interestingly--contributing to raising one-another's kids well.

Fanaticism definitions


excessive intolerance of opposing views

See also: fanatism zealotry