Barbaric in a sentence as an adjective

They were just too uncivilized, too barbaric to get it.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a barbaric process and a woman will never be quite the same after.

Once you get used to tools like `go fmt` or Perl::Tidy it feels barbaric not to be able to cleanly format all your code instantly.

Courts have made explicitly clear that current law effectively allows for barbaric treatment of inmates.

It all sounds so barbaric by comparison to what we take for granted now. I'm sure our chemotherapy of today will sound like primitive barbarism tomorrow.

Their treatment of women, in particular, would strike an American as archaic and quaintly Mad Men at best, and at worst barbaric and abusive.

They were killed because of barbaric rules that extreme version of Islam promotes, and those who take it seriously enough to blow themselves up and other people.

The punishment is a different matter; Iran's legal system is obviously barbaric.

People often ask the hypothetical of what sorts of behavior we consider normal today that people in the far future will regard as barbaric or bizarre.

Government will be leaned on and pressured to hand their people over to a US legal system I have zero faith in, and a penal system that borders a barbaric reinvention of slavery.

It's like saying "And in addition to your salary, we're also giving you a roll of quarters every month in case you need to pay tolls, do laundry at one of those barbaric laundromats not in the Googleplex, or play arcade games.

Soon we won't be able to hold ourselves up as beacons of freedom to those in savage, barbaric places like China where all Internet usage is surveilled or Russia where you can be targeted for being gay or being a member of the press who has printed stories critical of the State.

Barbaric definitions


without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes"

See also: barbarian savage uncivilized uncivilised wild


unrestrained and crudely rich; "barbaric use of color or ornament"