Barbarian in a sentence as a noun

Now there's some barbarian hordes you should be watching out for.

What sort of barbarian programmer doesn't sort his bills?

He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

There are no more barbarian hoards; sorry to disappoint.

Gibbon’s thesis was that the Roman Empire fell prey to barbarian invasions because of a loss of virtue.

Paying the Dane-geld is forever, but even when you do defeat the barbarians it's not like they stay defeated.

As a programmer who feels I should spend at least some of my life in silicon valley, this is the primary reason I don't. American employment law is frankly barbarian.

"I mean, Gibbons was writing about barbarian warriors; rather a different breed from your usual computer nerd.

Barbarian in a sentence as an adjective

Different cultures have viewed others as barbarians throughout history.

This resulted in the north under "barbarian rule" for long period of time, while the south held refugees of original ethnic Han chinese from the north.

The Romans became weak over time, outsourcing the defense of their empire to barbarian mercenaries who eventually took over.

[Leaving out Mithraism, which also spread in similar ways, as well as any discussion of what exactly constitutes "barbarian" vs. "civilization" since it gets fuzzier the closer you look.

On the **** side, after Rome's political influence left most of Europe, the parallel church structure was still there to help maintain civilization at least a little bit during the barbarian invasions and general collapse.

If onan_barbarian wrote "how to be a hacker" would it not create an argument for hackers being much like onan_barbarian?If esr's essay is factually incorrect or misleading or damaging in some fashion, then I'd encourage anyone to criticize it for that, rather than just slamming the man for writing it.

Wright's narrative ranges from fossilized bacteria to vampire bats, from stone-age villages to the World Trade Organization, uncovering such surprises as the benefits of barbarian hordes and the useful stability of feudalism.

Barbarian definitions


a member of an uncivilized people

See also: savage


a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement

See also: peasant boor churl Goth tyke tike


without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes"

See also: barbaric savage uncivilized uncivilised wild