Uncivilised in a sentence as an adjective

Doesn't it text you when it needs emptying, how uncivilised!

Are Americans really that uncivilised they cannot bear the thought of several months locked down in the comfort of their own homes?

"I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes," he continued.

Similarly, one shouldn't say the USA is uncivilised but that some of it's civic institutions are weak in some ways.

But once they are big and as oneness is built into the pyshce they just go ahead to transform all barbarians and uncivilised into one of them.

"The greatest trick the upper echelon have pulled, is convincing the masses that using violence to achieve your ends is uncivilised.

I'm not at that place where I assume everyone in a democracy is so uncivilised and self-seeking that they care nothing for the rule of law.

The racist bit was not "feather not dot", it was holding up the "feather indians" as some stereotypical bogeyman of wild, uncivilised behaviour.

> hire only civilised people, fire anyone who proves to be an uncivilised jerk ... because it's not full of retards...Complaining about sexism then using "retards" as a pejorative is just too ironic.

The French Revolution has definitely been painted in our popular culture as nothing more than a violent and uncivilised scourge motivated more by blood lust and power hunger than anything else.

We live in time; we err, sometimes seriously; and if we are lucky, we change precisely because of interactions that let us see things differently.> JB: On the other hand, some of those signatories were taking aim at Black Lives Matter as if the loud and public opposition to racism were itself uncivilised behaviour.

Uncivilised definitions


without civilizing influences; "barbarian invaders"; "barbaric practices"; "a savage people"; "fighting is crude and uncivilized especially if the weapons are efficient"-Margaret Meade; "wild tribes"

See also: barbarian barbaric savage uncivilized wild