Peasant in a sentence as a noun

You’re not a peasant. Don’t act like one.

I am no peasant in your Feudal system.

Well, please move along peasant, we have real businesses to deal with who might actually be worth auditing.

When peasants had hand mills, there was no easy way to see how much food they really had grown, so it was hard to collect taxes.

If you cannot, if you are rather dependent on your Labour to earn your crust, then in today's world you are going to be a peasant.

Finally I can stop using dictionaries like a common peasant.

This sends out a strong message from a government to it's electorate: **** you, you miserable peasant.

Those peasants might not have opted to be factory workers if they had been able to live a traditional peasant life.

Or, for that matter, do either of them work harder than a peasant in rural India?Lots of things determine income.

If living better than a medieval peasant doesn't mean anything, then why do so few people want to live like medieval peasants?

True, Africa currently has food shortages, but as soon as Africa stops relying on peasant farming, that problem goes away.

Heroic officers of the army, members of the Worker-peasant red guards, compatriots, comrades and friends.

That evidence would be convincing if peasants were enticed from working in the traditional arrangements by the lure of working in a factory; but as I understand it the situation was more complicated.

Can you believe that Brom and Beatrix are fighting again?Despite the very long period of leisure that medieval peasants had during wintertime, not a whole lot of scientific or technological progress came out of the peasantry.

Which is why it seems ridiculous that a certain sort of person will both make a big stink about someone smoking nearby outdoors, and also romanticize rural peasant life and wax poetic about how much less toxic life used to be in the past.

There's a lot to be said for that when you're a neolithic hunter-gatherer or an iron-age peasant -- if you try something new and it fails, you maybe get to watch your family starve next spring -- but it's a bit less useful as a rule of thumb in the data centre.

And guess where the bulk of that lower living standard will fall - that's right, you can bet your peasant clothes it won't be on the 1%.To conclude : you're effectively asking for centralised control of peoples wages, centralised control of how much a person can work, and centralised and arbitary division of what is small, medium and large business for the purposes of handing out favors, subsidies and handouts.

Peasant definitions


a country person

See also: provincial bucolic


one of a (chiefly European) class of agricultural laborers


a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement

See also: barbarian boor churl Goth tyke tike