Aspersion in a sentence as a noun

I don't mean to cast aspersion on the whole thing.

Or for casting aspersion about HN and its "-ism"s?

Should we mock him mercilessly if it casts aspersion on the chickenhawks who backed him?

Call the presses!Seriously, your naked aspersion doesn't even make sense in this context.

> I think you may be surprised!This kind of vague aspersion is inappropriate.

I'm puzzled that you think factual and relevant context is an aspersion.

So what?Someone in this thread calls the movie "wealthy adventure porn", but this thread is aspersion porn.

Casting an aspersion like that is entirely vapid, and no amount of snide logical twists are going to change that.

This is not a negative aspersion on his character--I think it's quite admirable in a way...

Calling The Economist "capitalist" isn't much of an aspersion, even if it was meant that way.

Maybe I'd still be teaching there if it were, but you're casting a lot of aspersion and judgement on a subject that you don't seem to know much about.

Be a expert of or be a novice I am ok with both but dont fake being a expert and cast aspersion when you dont know the jackshit like "regenerative braking"

Hence it's neither aspersion nor "god of the gaps" - unless theists commonly argue that they also highly doubt god exists?So, Can I downvote you for assuming the worst about OP?

"No pinger will save lost cargo around Cornwall - they've been assiduous scavengers down there for centuries..."That's absolutely 100% casting an aspersion.

What sane person would install extensions if this behavior became commonplace?There is a lot of aspersion-casting here, but no mention of any innocent actor who is hurt by this.

I believe you meant aspersion?The only interesting criticism I've seen of Windows Phone's design language is that by eschewing most forms of visual affordance, it erases a lot of distinctions between actionable and non-actionable elements onscreen.

Please explain to me in what way this sounds like a white supremacist diatribe, as far as I understand white supremacists are not wont to cast aspersion on their 'white brethren'.Stop throwing these labels around, they can not replace rational arguments and are just a form of academic laziness.

Aspersion definitions


a disparaging remark; "in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion"; "it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility"

See also: slur


an abusive attack on a person's character or good name

See also: calumny slander defamation denigration


the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)

See also: sprinkling