Sprinkling in a sentence as a noun

On Odesk, there are a sprinkling of good and a lot of ****.

Except SEA had a little sprinkling of snow, so the plane never left.

And we do that by sprinkling a ton of meta information around in the code.

I like the sprinkling of the various cultural things that spark discussion.

You'll find an overwhelmingly male group, ranging from slightly nerdy to very nerdy, with a sprinkling of a few women.

You will gain hardly any of that by sprinkling C++ into C. Solving these problems in C sometimes leads to more work and more verbose code, but the result is also often a better solution.

After hand-crafting CSS with semantic markup for years, using the techniques suggested here, I've started liberally sprinkling Bootstrap classes in my markup.

Completely valid use case here, IMO. Pitching it as an adaptive content library would be much nicer, because there actually is a need for good tools to do that well, whereas responsive content is basically fully handled by media queries and a tiny sprinkling of non-presentational Modernizr.

HackDesign is a great start but the design community are well aware that learning to design at the moment is a mix of formal education, figuring **** out over years of making mistakes and a sprinkling of black magic.

Sprinkling definitions


a small number (of something) dispersed haphazardly; "the first scatterings of green"; "a sprinkling of grey at his temples"

See also: scattering


a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby

See also: scattering sprinkle


the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)

See also: aspersion


the act of sprinkling or splashing water; "baptized with a sprinkling of holy water"; "a sparge of warm water over the malt"

See also: sprinkle sparge