Calumny in a sentence as a noun

They will never relent in their shameless calumny and perfidy until Labour's program has been completely neutered.

"Only One Way" is a calumny about Python originating long ago from the Perl community.

According to the Vatican Obervatory blog [1] this story is a calumny.

> only because with each new child, they received a boost in welfareDo you know this for a fact, because it's a calumny often repeated but never supported by evidence.

Apparently those who find Islam a hair in their globalization ointment can't argue from a position of reason and have to resort to calumny and provocation.

And you have prove of your accusation, bordering clearly on calumny, in the form of what exactly?If nothing else, you should show some decency and delete your comment, that probably was written, while half asleep.

In a word, though most men, any wise eminent, have found reason to complain of calumny, I never was touched, or even attacked by her baleful tooth: and though I wantonly exposed myself to the rage of both civil and religious factions, they seemed to be disarmed in my behalf of their wonted fury.

The first is that he comes across as stunningly tone deaf in this circumstance; unless I am reading pure calumny, it seems that he did not consider what a corrosive effect a jargon-heavy, non-committal communication style would have when dealing with people who were deeply, professionally engaged with the meaning of words.

By the standards of 'puppetry' that we can discern from historic documents the Shah of Iran was no more of a puppet than a certain "poodle".Do you always prefix "puppet minister" before say mentioning Tony Blair or any of the post Suez UK PMs?People like you who in the tradition of "lingering propaganda" continue to cast calumny on the late Shah of Iran need to let us know what exactly is your definition of "puppet" and "overseas interests".For example, "overseas" interests that held the alledged "puppet's" strings felt Iran choosing a path of industrialization was not acceptable in the 1960s.

Calumny definitions


a false accusation of an offense or a malicious misrepresentation of someone's words or actions

See also: defamation calumniation obloquy traducement


an abusive attack on a person's character or good name

See also: aspersion slander defamation denigration