Zealous in a sentence as an adjective

This post highlights the issue with overly zealous mods on SO who marked the question as off topic.

Getting the pat-down is unpleasant and I have indeed had my "junk" jabbed at by zealous TSA agents.

The tendency for many pages to attract zealous guardians.

Where were these zealous prosecutors during the global financial meltdown in 2008?

The over zealous moderation of StackOverflow is insane and it's killing the site.

Just sending C&Ds on behalf of Craigslist?Further, the argument that zealous attempts at protecting IP means you should be .com not org falls pretty short to me.

I stopped posting jokes on Facebook that could even remotely be construed as suspicious by an over-zealous NSA agent.

However Scandinavia isn't really some kind of paradise, and the legal system is still zealous about pursuing quite some number of things I don't agree with.

- zealous in their execution of their statutory duty to remove undesirable foreigners from Japan.

Unfortunately the victims of an often over zealous justice system are granted a severely muted and underrepresented voice.

It still doesn't get at two top points of meta: TLS is a horribly overfeatured, design-by-committee standard AND C makes it incredibly easy to screw up and so requires zealous attention to a defensive coding style to introduce fewer flaws.

Zealous definitions


marked by active interest and enthusiasm; "an avid sports fan"

See also: avid