Woodland in a sentence as a noun

Possibly you could add the woodland restaurant on Panton street.

I spotted him right away in all but one of the woodland/meadow scenes but couldn't find him in the riverbed/rock scenes.

He is a woodsman who worked woodland in a strict conservation area. He wanted a home in his woods, and did a similar thing but on a bigger scale.

This is what you read about as "managed woodland". Much of the fauna and flora that existed here a few decades ago are now only found in books or zoos.

If you live or work in Silicon Valley, and you look to the west at the coast range, most of that green stuff that you are seeing on the mountains is coast live oak woodland. Now imagine 30%, 60%, 90% of those trees dead.

I had a great garden as a kid and access to one of the UK"s nicest woodland areas. I would be sad to not be able to give my children the same just so they can have 'friends in the same building'.

Dorner was killed in that woodland cottage after he shot and killed a San Bernardino County sheriff's officer.

There are things that simply can't be converted--on my current salary, I could afford to buy a house with a hundred acres of surrounding woodland near my home town. There is no amount of money in the world that will buy that in San Francisco.

Bromley or South Croydon is full of actual countryside and the occasional bit of woodland with far fewer people, and still in London, for example. You'll find quiet or quieter parks dotted around the outer edge of London if you just look a bit.

Org/wiki/Natufian_culture#Settlements\n"Settlements occur in the woodland belt where oak and Pistacia species dominated... The superstructure was probably made of brushwood.

Providence came our way and a landowner offered us the chance to move to his woodland in west Wales to build an eco-house. There would be no formal security or long term ownership, but 2000 was available for materials, so we jumped at the idea without a backward glance.

So the social conventions in rural Maine provide a certain freedom to wander around unoccupied woodland as long as you don't make a nuisance of yourself. Posting your woodland against trespassing was historically considered a bit anti-social in a lot of places.

This from a total urbanite who gets nervous at being more than three blocks from a taxi stand and a wet bar, and who would probably need counseling if confronted by any woodland creature larger than a mid-sized rat.

According to Wikipedia, "In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, [the unicorn] was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin."

What he means is, assuming a majority of the paper production comes from managed woodland, making the destruction of habitats and so on a mute argument, how does that compare to having datacenters being built everywhere, and what is better?

So, even if it was all managed woodland, someone still needs to fire up the chainsaws, put the trees on an 18-wheeler, convert it to something usable at another factory, put it on another truck that delivers it to another location, etc... There are 7 billion people on the planet, heading for 9 billion by 2050.

Woodland definitions


land that is covered with trees and shrubs

See also: forest timberland timber