Fauna in a sentence as a noun

Extending that to parasites and/or gut fauna isn't a stretch.

I suspect it is the same case with the brushing thing : it will take quite some time before the flora and fauna of your mouth reboots.

Are they keeping prices astronomically high to preserve marsh fauna?

Put the 'extra' space into a commons area, plus maybe a mini-park possibly with original area flora and fauna.

It was found that if you visit, say, a forest, and take inventory of its flora and fauna, then come back 70 years later, the picture will be completely different.

Think of it 'aurora borealis at the equator' kind of weird but not 'sleeting sheets of coronal mass ejecta raining death on helpless flora and fauna.

At this point you have been robbed of the aspirations you had to contribute to scientific discovery by cataloguing flora and fauna.

In retrospect I think the collider would have been a better investment than the ISS because it would have yielded science that has game changing potential for us as a species and more science that we can use. I'd rather understand what we're made of than know how flora and fauna behave in orbital space.

Same for ecological ones like flora and fauna existing in and being habituated in environments that are no longer very compatible climatologically.

We cannot "read" the pictograms, and do not know for certain what meaning the animal reliefs had for visitors to the site; the variety of fauna depicted, from lions and boars to birds and insects, makes any single explanation problematic.

Fauna definitions


all the animal life in a particular region or period; "the fauna of China"; "the zoology of the Pliocene epoch"

See also: zoology


a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

See also: animal beast brute creature