Timberland in a sentence as a noun

Up in Vermont you can get timberland for $1-$3k acre.

If there was inflation, he was sure timberland and log prices would appreciate in line with the inflation.

I would argue any politician proposing a green new deal is proposing a plan that would get less done than simply using eminent domain to form new national forests out of timberland.

In 1859, when he was 37, Bleichroder became the banker and investment adviser for the rising Junker diplomat, and for 30 years the two leveraged their insights and power to achieve great wealth and prominence…Bismarck, the Prince, worked hard at projecting a magnificent exterior and omnipotence….His primary obsession, other than ruling Germany, was with making money in the stock market so he could buy more and more timberland.

Timberland definitions


land that is covered with trees and shrubs

See also: forest woodland timber