Windsock in a sentence as a noun

Most windsocks I see are solid orange, without stripes.

Tech pundits are not very good windsocks for what people actually want.

Of course, Chicago's flag is actually a windsock.

It didn’t help that the original logo was an orange and white windsock...

I'm also imagining a little rendering of a runway and a windsock.

The places I go to sometimes don't have either, I have to overfly the runway at 500 feet to look at the windsock and make an informed guess.

My wife, who used to work in an airport tower, gave me this tip about reading windsocks: Imagine a tiny aircraft coming out of the mouth of the windsock---that's the direction a real aircraft will use to take off and land.

Windsock definitions


a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind

See also: sock air-sleeve drogue