Drogue in a sentence as a noun

Kittinger reduced his speed through the use of a drogue chute.

A drogue chute strong enough to avoid shredding at these speeds would be too heavy.

But longest freefall without a drogue is a silly record to cling to.

How big can the drogue be before it's considered a parachute?

A drogue chute would have the potential to make that problem worse rather than better.

The difference between a pilot and drogue chute is minimal.

Moreover, not in the main canopy but the drogue, which was deployed a few seconds earlier.

Arguably Baumgartner had the record for longest freefall without a drogue.

Additionally, the record holder used a drogue parachute to slow his descent.

A drogue would seem unnecessary; a Merlin can scrub off plenty of m/s real fast, and if it can't do it fast enough, they have more of them.

" In your statement above, what does "you" mean?Even without a drogue, your vertical speed can be influenced by such subtleties as what you're wearing.

Poking around[1], drogue/pilot chutes seem to be around 30 inches or 75 centimeters in diameter.

It might be better to have the mother aircraft remove a cargo pack then drop the drones, which would float away on the streamer drogue, re-furl the drogue and resume powered flight back to base.

But someone who didn't use a drogue chute should be able to have a shorter free fall time yet still be eligible to claim the record for longest free fall time, all else being equal.

In fact, design wise the only difference is that after you deploy the drogue you need to pull a handle to open the container holding the parachute, at which point the drogue chute becomes a pilot chute.

Nowhere in the video do they show any drogue or drag chutes but I would assume they enter into the picture as well, and would be involved in the mid-altitude slowing and **** of the second stage.

It consists of long-range radar, a single forward-looking video camera, and 12 ultrasonic sensors to create a 16-foot bubble around the car providing lane-keeping, full drogue- chute emergency stopping, and autonomous following in stop- and-go traffic.

It has long-range radar, a single forward- looking video camera, and 12 ultrasonic sensors that create a 16-foot bubble around the car to allow for lane-keeping, full drogue-chute emergency stopping, and autonomous following in stop-and-go traffic.

Drogue definitions


a funnel-shaped device towed as a target by an airplane


a truncated cloth cone mounted on a mast; used (e.g., at airports) to show the direction of the wind

See also: windsock sock air-sleeve


restraint consisting of a canvas covered frame that floats behind a vessel; prevents drifting or maintains the heading into a wind


a parachute used to decelerate an object that is moving rapidly