Whirr in a sentence as a noun

This is cool, hope it get's merged back to whirr soon

> You will have the constant whirr of machinery.

You will have the constant whirr of machinery.

Its basically silent, a laptop like "whirr" from the sweeping brushes.

The whirr and strike, the hum of the machine waiting if you paused to ponder, encouraged typing.

The clock has a really satisfying mechanical whirr and clunk.

Whirr in a sentence as a verb

Overlays on 8" floppies, the whirr-kerchunk of retries has left a scar across my soul.

The whirr and strike of when you hit a key, the hum of the machine waiting if you paused to ponder, encouraged typing.

I can't explain it but it's like a buzzing whirr that pulsates or whines a few times and then dies out in an echoey fashion.

Whether real or not, when you apologize, you're making a concession which triggers the "click, whirr" effect described in the book.

No, today I came to talk about the virtual memory system.> Why is it that when I walk away from my trusty jerkstation for a while and come back, I touch the mouse and all of a sudden, whirr, rattle, rattle, whirr, all my processes get swapped back into memory?> I mean, why did they get paged out in the first place?

Whirr definitions


sound of something in rapid motion; "whir of a bird's wings"; "the whir of the propellers"

See also: whir whirring birr


make a soft swishing sound; "the motor whirred"; "the car engine purred"

See also: whizz whiz whir birr purr


make a vibrant sound, as of some birds

See also: churr