Whirligig in a sentence as a noun

He may just use a different naming convention and calls them whirligigs instead. There is something to be said about using a common nomenclature, and I understand why you might be hesitant to hire someone who isn't speaking the same language as the rest of your team, but underneath he could still be an algorithms genius.

Whirligig in a sentence as a verb

C++ is an incredibly obtuse language, full of so many misfeatures and fancy whirligigs that it's difficult to be certain that even repeated reads through a file are giving you the correct impression of structure and flow.

Whirligig definitions


a conical child's plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; "he got a bright red top and string for his birthday"

See also: teetotum


a large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement

See also: carousel carrousel merry-go-round roundabout


whirl or spin like a whirligig