Carousel in a sentence as a noun

Every time you use a carousel, a kitten dies.

How in the **** am i going to have bandwidth for jQuery AND my 200K of carousel images?

You should drop it from the carousel, IMO.- Not urgent, but you should work on the YSlow score.

How do they not notice the flicker on the transitions of the app market carousel?

"Website Manager: "Okay, we'll put you in the carousel.

" is the first question you ask when designing a site, you should never end up with "carousel banners!

There comes a snapping point where a carousel is suggested to avoid insanity.

Is it intentional that the carousel switches so fast that reading the whole text displayed is almost impossible?

I've been waiting and hoping for the anti-carousel movement to gain cultural traction among web developers for some time.

Guys please ditch the carousel terrible way to convey information when the initial and first piece of information I am trying to absorb is moving around.

Is there another design pattern that is so universally appealing to clients but reviled by developers than the carousel?

> Sounds legalOn the contrary, sounds a lot like a standard "carousel fraud"> and I doubt they would have done it otherwise.... Which happens despite being illegal.> Good example of why most regulation is ridiculousLaws aren't perfect, lets try no laws!

I don't like them either but honestly, it's such a great idea theoretically...we're all accustomed to the pattern of a box with moving images, since at least e 1960s...and we also know the frustration of cramming a variety of content into a screen size worth of real why wouldn't a web carousel work?Unlike other flawed design patterns, such as horizontal scrolling or a reliance on mouseover popups, it's hard to assert, without referring to "studies", why the carousel is just bad in a way that doesn't sound like I'm only stating my hoity-toity developer preferences.

Carousel definitions


a conveyer belt that carries luggage to be claimed by air travelers

See also: carrousel


a large, rotating machine with seats for children to ride or amusement

See also: carrousel merry-go-round roundabout whirligig