Whiner in a sentence as a noun

If they whined, she would ask, "What do whiners get?

This is a given, and anyone who would say otherwise is a whiner who's just too lazy and stupid to code.

You let it each instance slide because individually they don't seem like such a big deal and you don't want to seem like a whiner.

There's a lot of discussion around this interview, and unfortunately much of it tries to paint her as a trouble-making whiner.

I just don't understand why HN readers are so eager to paint Greenspan as a whiner and Zuckerberg as a rightful victor, as if that's the only thing worth saying about this whole commotion.

The people he's talking about are in a position to badmouth him right back, end even if they don't he can get a reputation for being a whiner who will turn on people who hire him the moment things don't work out.

I'm going to assume you don't realize that by calling him a "whiner," "professional victim," and by blaming him for not responding in a way you would have liked him to, that you're dangerously close to victim-blaming.

I tried to read that conversation in a neutral light, because I think RMS and JWZ are both kind of ... polarizing personalities, but RMS really came off as a stubborn, ineffective whiner in that whole thread.

While I didn't find his comment particularly funny, I'm not sure I'm seeing the attack in it - just reads to me as a light-hearted joke about names, in contrast to the top comment which genuinely described you as a "whiner".

I don't want to sound too much like a whiner, because I'm writing this from my boats on the tropical island where I live now, but I was the first programmer to quit from his first company when he gave me the royal butt-chewing treatment for daring to take two hours off to visit friends on Independence Day 1996.

Whiner definitions


a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

See also: complainer moaner sniveller crybaby bellyacher grumbler squawker