Moaner in a sentence as a noun

I'm not going to listen to some 2nd rate rock moaner for 4 minutes between every 4 minute long weeaboo track I'm trying to listen to.

If you're dealing with a situation like this, it helps to stay calm and try to not come off as a moaner/potential power grabber or something worse.

The unconscious guy with rapid blood loss would be dead if they prioritized patients according to some fifo or loudest moaner first scheme.

But ... is tehre some call home feature that says 'I have been turned on 5 times'?Is this effective ?I know I sound like an old moaner - it just is an important area - how do we measure if we are succeeding?

Moaner definitions


a person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining

See also: whiner complainer sniveller crybaby bellyacher grumbler squawker