Whelp in a sentence as a noun

PTV responded to The Age and then stupidly went "whelp we have no choice but to notify the Police".

I'm really starting to get annoyed at the whole "whelp, Google Reader died, therefore everything else is unsafe" mantra being carried by the tech industry as of late.

Whelp in a sentence as a verb

All I'm saying is that I hope I never find my citing in a position where we say "whelp, we have massive chunks of deserted unkempt land, lets knock down these abandoned condemned buildings and make a forest".

"This is sort of like a car crash, and saying: "whelp, it happens with a probability of 1 per 1000, so it was bound to happen to someone" after a car accident rather than finding out exactly why and what caused the event—"whelp, the brakes didn't work, we should probably look into that.

Whelp definitions


young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf


birth; "the dog whelped"