Mantra in a sentence as a noun

My mantra is: you can't reverse engineer the cloud.

There are no miracles, but the "One Day at a Time" mantra will carry you through.

The talking heads repeat the mantra "nobody saw it coming" for the next 6 months.

It's almost as if they are explicitly trained to repeat that mantra.

However, it's a mantra that is self defeating as more investors adopt it.

That's the mantra of post-Clinton liberals: "we'll have regulations, but lightweight ones.

Google is still associated with "Do no Evil," but that's starting to wear a little thin as some of their actions belie the mantra.

He is writing all these pages upon pages of stuff repeating the same mantra, relating to his favorite history channel shows, etc.

I'm tired of these trite articles espousing some cute mantra holds as if it's some universal property of software development.

But there's a reason that "competition" continues to be a mantra throughout the world, one that is held by many factions of differing ideology.

People are upset with Google because they trusted an ever increasing amount of their personal data to a company who's mantra is, "Don't be evil", only to discover Google was facilitating snooping from a third party whistle blower.

"Wait, pointing out a clear conflict of interest and censorship is being "radically pro-transparency"?I don't believe in WikiLeak's mantra that all information, regardless of context, should be transparent, but since when is releasing information about a clear abuse radical in any way whatsoever?

Mantra definitions


a commonly repeated word or phrase; "she repeated `So pleased with how its going' at intervals like a mantra"


(Sanskrit) literally a `sacred utterance' in Vedism; one of a collection of orally transmitted poetic hymns