Westwards in a sentence as an adverb

Counterpoint: when I fly back home westwards from the US, that first week is the best. I get up at a normal-person time.

Later than day it returned home westwards by the same route. We had been waiting for a Snowden Snatch to reach the news but nothing came...

Above the clouds moving westwards at about the same speed the earth moved eastwards at that latitude.

The chain wends its way up the beach, into the arid scrubland and westwards on towards the Kenya border. How far do we have to go until we reach our common ancestor with the chimpanzees?

Soviet Union would not have received vast shipments of free hardware on which to roll westwards. The US would have been quite unable to intervene in Europe without its 'offshore aircraft carrier'.

Last month I actually tried 26-hour days, shifting westwards at the rate of 2 timezones/day. Whenever someone asked me how I was or what time it was, I would give them the name of a country whose timezone I was currently on.

The "energy corridor" around the Westlake area in particular seems to be an center of activity pulling growth out along I-10 westwards.

Er, the American push westwards was quite nightmarish and genocidal, and US homesteaders appropriated land much like Hitler planned to do.

You have to go west via Istanbul, then northeast to Moscow, then take the Transsiberian, then south through China, finally westwards to Bangkok. All possible but very convoluted and hardly something you'd do in order to reach the destination.

I find it dubious that they never crossed westwards. However, the technological niche which the cultures of the far north have mastered over the centuries have less values in warmer climates so I don’t think much would have been brought from the Americas to as far south as India via the Bering.

Germany has a very low fertility rate & even immigration isn't enough to make the population grow more than very slowly so if a lot of people moved westwards and into the cities it means a lot of people moved out of the east and the country side. Also almost the entire country is fairly flat & with a mild climate.

The gist is that there's a high-pressure system sitting over Greenland, and a large storm over the mid-Atlantic, which are predicted to push it westwards, where it'll interact with and be pulled into an existing continental weather system.

And the German Nord Stream 2 is entirely unconscionable, and the authoritarianism of Russia is already spreading westwards and will be at Germany's borders sooner rather than later if Germany does not take a harder stance against it.

Westwards definitions


toward the west; "they traveled westward toward the setting sun"

See also: westward