Intervene in a sentence as a verb

In all such cases, the law intervenes to limit private choices.

I always have my foot on the break pedal just in case, but I'm yet to have to intervene.

No person will have triggered this process, nor intervene on your behalf.

Yet no teacher intervened to suggest glasses to my parents, or to suggest I see an eye doctor.

And why didn't the instructor intervene?Something else is going on.

I've no idea if cities in the US would be willing to step in and intervene if this became common here.

Finding ways to intervene is important, but the existence of homeless people does not imply social injustice.

The tendency today is often to ignore the problem, given there is little penalty for failing to intervene.

But the fear is that given that power, the government will be able to make subjective calls on situations they deem important enough to intervene.

The point would be not to nag the subject daily, but to catch the moment they are falling off the bus, so to speak, and either intervene, summon other friends, or get professional help.

When they do occasionally notice something egregious and limply intervene, it's always with the same whiney "Honey..." followed by a feeble plea which the child ignores with no consequences.

It's a trade-off we have do for our freedom: should the Revolution be abandoned in any of the member countries, the allied countries should intervene to restore the right values.

If, despite their substantial financials, this acquisition is beyond their capabilities industry giants such as Apple and Google need to intervene.

She is currently trying to seize the property of a large Oakland dispensary prompting Oakland city government to intervene to try to prevent it. She refuses to drop the prosecution even after everything that has happened in Colorado and Washington and the statements by Obama and Holder.

What about freedom of the press?> As for externally--the Constitution puts almost no limits on the American government's ability to intervene in foreign affairsHave you even read the constitution?

My experience as a Wikipedian:- provide content until an admin revert said content without explanation.- try to engage discussion with said admin and get referred to a wp policy that actually states this admin was wrong.- point the admin to his error and engage in wikipedia conflict resolution.- said admin sneakily changes said policy to confirm his views, and unleash a small army of followers to intervene to support him in conflict resolution and revert my edits.

Intervene definitions


get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force; "Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?"

See also: interfere interpose


be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events; "This interludes intervenes between the two movements"; "Eight days intervened"


occur between other event or between certain points of time; "the war intervened between the birth of her two children"