Weedkiller in a sentence as a noun

When Moore is offered a glass of the weedkiller, however, he refuses and says "I'm not stupid." - Why did he bring it up when he was not going to follow it through.

Or just use weedkiller on areas outside the planted crop, in order to stop weeds from spreading from outside.

Buy organic and support the farmers who don't need weedkiller resistant crops.

Less weedkiller as you can pluck the weeds yourself. Being in a controlled environment also means less plagues, or if a crop plague comes, less pesticide used.

If a farmer does replant the seed and benefit from the use of weedkiller resistance, they can expect to be sued.

The entire point of roundup is that you use a GMO that has been modified to make it resistant to the weedkiller. In theory this allows you to use less weedkiller earlier in the growing cycle.

The other problem with hunger is lack of micronutrients so a GM rice that provides vitamins would be more useful than a GM grain that allows a weedkiller company to sell more weedkiller. Collapse of pollinators carries a risk of human die-off.

The researchers hypothesize that the reason why NK603 GM maize, NK603 sprayed with Roundup, and Roundup on its own, all produced very similar negative health outcomes, is that both the GM maize and the weedkiller Roundup "may cause hormonal disturbances in the same biochemical and physiological pathway." '

Weedkiller definitions


a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth

See also: herbicide