Herbicide in a sentence as a noun

It does not mean "the more herbicide we apply the more resistance there will be".2.

Bt-Corn is resistive to insects and has nothing to do with herbicides.

But it's not possible for a farmer to accidentally use Roundup as an herbicide in that field.

I'd assume making them organic helps to control for a pesticide or herbicide in them that could be changing the result.

"herbicide attacks particular plant functions which are expressed by specific genes.

[211] The report found that engineered herbicide tolerant soy and maize did not increase yield at the national, aggregate level.

It is a wide spectrum herbicide that inhibits synthesis of some essential aminoacids.

Disease or infestation of plants or animals can be difficult to deal with, as any pesticide or herbicide will cycle through the complete system.

Contrast that to every other broad action herbicide, which have various levels of toxicity but invariably higher than none.

"Monsanto recently said that it had made significant progress in the development of herbicide-tolerant wheat.

The herbicide is easily obtainable and cheap; the only thing interesting about it is that if you plant special Roundup-ready seeds, you can easily use it to **** weeds without killing crops.

Atrazine is an example of a very strongly resistance-selecting herbicide.

One cannot simply create 'another' way to make plants resistant to a particular herbicide, because that particular herbicide attacks particular plant functions which are expressed by specific genes.

The introduction of herbicide resistant GMOs has led to a reduction in the rate of herbicides applied for most crops, or approximately similar rates of less harmful herbicides applied in other crops.

He purchased beans from a grain elevator anticipating that many would be Roundup Ready; applied a glyphosate-based herbicide in a way that culled any plants without the patented trait; and saved beans from the rest for the next season.

Society benefits because we can avoid applying much more toxic and environmentally damaging herbicides and pesticides by using engineered resistance to pests or to harmless herbicides.> They are a net detriment to society since the continual use of glyphosate will select for Roundup resistant weedsThis is a fallacy.

To clarify the headline: the article doesn't suggest that this is a direct consequence of the GM crops themselves, but rather than the adoption of herbicide-resistant GM crops has led to much higher use of herbicides, killing non-GM plants such as milkweed that would previously have also lived in the fields and which are important to the Monarch's reproduction.

Herbicide definitions


a chemical agent that destroys plants or inhibits their growth

See also: weedkiller