Fluctuation in a sentence as a noun

This article speaks as if it was 100% certainty that Zynga's announcement caused the fluctuation.

At five-sigma there is only one chance in nearly two million that a random fluctuation would yield the result.

Equally so, you could have a fluctuation that winks all the known universe into a void, suddenly and without warning.

For example: Smaller numbers are closer to the noise level, and therefore more subject to fluctuation.

Swarm works well when the optimization function looks like a smooth well behaved function overlayed with a high frequency fluctuation.

In the vacuum fluctuation of space, virtual photons and anti-photon pairs are created and annihilate each other all the time - but this tiny gap keeps them from appearing between the mirrors.

I could make a fair amount of money by betting on the winner, or I could make a lot more money by manipulating the information in the marketplace, creating volatility in the prices of the prediction bets, capitalizing on each fluctuation, while still holding some inventory in the correct outcome.

Fluctuation definitions


a wave motion; "the fluctuations of the sea"


an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change

See also: variation


the quality of being unsteady and subject to changes; "he kept a record of price fluctuations"

See also: wavering