Volte-face in a sentence as a noun

The rest of the world will fund the technology and scale necessary, then in 10-15 years when renewables plus storage and electric cars are cheaper than the existing technology US Republicans will have a volte-face, deploy at scale, and claim they saved the world through unregulated capitalism. And the rest of the world won’t mind.

Klein seems to have had a volte-face moment in which, as a blogger, he was dismissive of any critique about the internet because it was an instantaneous resource-rich environment. Now he understands that when he reads he's always searching for what he calls this "fugue-like" state of "deep reading" that allows him to understand and connect what he's reading to other arguments and topics.

Volte-face definitions


a major change in attitude or principle or point of view; "an about-face on foreign policy"

See also: about-face reversal