About-face in a sentence as a noun

In a matter of seconds, right before our very eyes, he had done a complete about-face."

You'll know real fast whether the product is shitty and you can do an about-face, gather the troops, and push out something new.

You really don't think the article getting published has anything to do with Amazon's about-face? I'm surprised.

Actually a pretty impressive about-face from Microsoft. I know some people are all-too-ready to see the demise of Microsoft, but I'm glad to see them try their best to be nimble.

I'd say this about-face means the ********* legalization debate is ready to go national.

And even if they did a complete about-face I doubt many would forgive them for being single-handedly responsible for countless broken reimplementations of h>.

True, but if you were Gigantic Auto Manufacturer, would you build these patents into a billion-dollar factory without a stronger guarantee that Tesla won't about-face in 5-10 years? I wouldn't risk it.

About-face in a sentence as a verb

> Today, he acknowledges that Apple’s about-face could be related to changes in the regulatory environment, but he thinks Apple’s new attitude comes down to one thing: Android. I'd imagine nearly no one is buying Android phones because you can get a Bitcoin app for them.

In many cases, where the US is involved, the 'free market' being trumpeted as some grand international mode of deliverance is not only a completely about-face from the reality of back-home protectionist policies. They are in no way going to benefit the little guy in the client states.

The importance of the piece is that Gupta was Obama's first nominee for Surgeon General, and the best known medical reporter in the country; he's doing a very public about-face on the issue just as the US appears to be reaching a tipping point on legalization. Also: it's just a good piece, or at least an atypically good one for CNN. That's why I posted it.

See Nintendo's 3DS launch and about-face on their stance on pushing 3D once they found a small but significant percentage of their users could not actually see the 3D effect. This lead to policy that the 3D effect could not be used for anything related to actual gameplay mechanics, reducing it entirely to an optional gimmick.

Their Xbox One screw-up and their embarrassing about-face showed how truly tenuous their position is. Android, iOS, free to play, Facebook / web platforms, Ouya and the coming onslaught of embedded video game technology into TV's and other solo Android machines, Valve's console entry, Steam, Nintendo, Sony; publishers like Activision etc; indie producers like Mojang etc; and on and on and on and on.

But then he makes a logical about-face and warns that "the very real danger here is man's tendency to look to his illusion for inspiration"! The problem is, his argument is that science fiction has always been a startlingly good predictor of the immediate future, but now that science fiction warns us of dangers and should perhaps inspire extreme caution—now that science fiction is saying something the author doesn't want to hear—we ought to ignore it as dangerous and silly imaginings.

About-face definitions


act of pivoting 180 degrees, especially in a military formation


a major change in attitude or principle or point of view; "an about-face on foreign policy"

See also: volte-face reversal


turn, usually 180 degrees


change one's mind and assume the opposite viewpoint