Vis-a-vis in a sentence as a noun

The last company I successfully convinced to actually do it NDAed me vis-a-vis the impact.

Vis-a-vis in a sentence as an adverb

That was a little different they filed the TM in the wrong category and I claimed defense of "descriptive use" how else would a blood themed beverage be described?However, the Candy Crush Saga creators are even further behind the 8-ball on the TM "Candy" vis-a-vis video games.

Vis-a-vis definitions


a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another

See also: counterpart


small sofa that seats two people

See also: loveseat tete-a-tete


face-to-face with; literally `face to face'; "they sat vis-a-vis at the table"; "I found myself vis-a-vis a burly policeman"