Counterpart in a sentence as a noun

It doesn't have a BSD-licensed counterpart like everything else they've removed... Maybe they'll just leave it out.

Using just that one device we managed to make an app which totally blew away its IOS counterpart .

* Probe Response: This is the client counterpart to a beacon packet, basically.

You wont outsource to India if a developer/company charges the same as its US counterpart.

So we have a parser which we can't see and which is not finished, but apparently dominates its C counterpart in performance.

As an Android consultant I've come across the attitude from companies over and over again that the Android app should cost less money than the iPhone counterpart.

According to Wikipedia[0]:> The Forbidden City, as the residence of the terrestrial emperor, was its earthly counterpart.

Do we really want a counterpart agenda now setting rules for who can be a founder, who can be an investor, who can be a director, who can be a CEO, or who can otherwise take a prominent role in the startup world?

You're saying that the fact a gay male is more likely to experience stigma, have less support, more likely to be a victim of hate crime, and more likely to **** himself than his gay female counterpart is an offense against the feminine.

Within a short time, the executive management of our client used that write-up to meet face-to-face with their counterpart executives on the other side and the case quickly settled for a very modest money payment.

Choosing which companies to support directly impacts the sort of society we build.>> Do we really want a counterpart agenda now setting rules for who can be a founder, who can be an investor, who can be a director, who can be a CEO, or who can otherwise take a prominent role in the startup world?

Counterpart definitions


a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another

See also: vis-a-vis


a duplicate copy

See also: similitude twin