Loveseat in a sentence as a noun

There is maybe 5' of clearance between the loveseat and the TV.

Why is their name sofa and the logo a loveseat?

Bought this couch and loveseat, decided they didn't like it, and moved them into the basement, buying another.

My bed was in one end, then there was a tall paper divider, then a loveseat, coffee table, and desk in the remainder.

So on this very day I finally hit the garage, pulled out the welder and grinder and am giving my couch and loveseat a 1” lift.

I once had a loveseat that I couldn't get out of a studio apartment without moving almost everything.

Immediately in front of the bed is a loveseat with its back to the bed, facing the kitchen and the square cut-in of the bathroom; there is a TV hanging on the wall.

Loveseat definitions


small sofa that seats two people

See also: tete-a-tete vis-a-vis