Violent in a sentence as an adjective

People who do these kinds of violent crimes don't care if the sentence is 20 or 100 years.

They were gory, and violent, and brutal and complex.

Most taxpayers are fine with throwing money at law enforcement, because they think it's preventing violent crime.

It's not WhereEver Police Department that has an issue with racial bias and violent escalation, it's just a few bad apples.

Recidivism rates for violent crimes are at about 60% in the US, and for property crimes such as burglary it's even higher.

Think of Singaporification as a gentler, less overtly violent form of Spanish fascism.

They were aware and still chose to try to ruin his life even though he was clearly acting entirely in the interest of others and doing it in a manner that was civil and non violent.

We have so far been lucky that none of our victims have had the military power and political will to retaliate in the vicious and violent manner that we would.

It includes violent arrest tactics; police are trained in "pain compliance" techniques, which include spraying pepper spray into protesters eyes, and forcing their eyes open to do so.

It includes charging activists with laws intended for violent terrorists, so that arrest is no longer a minor inconvenience, but a life-altering event.

Violent definitions


acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity; "a violent attack"; "a violent person"; "violent feelings"; "a violent rage"; "felt a violent dislike"


effected by force or injury rather than natural causes; "a violent death"


(of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud; "a violent clash of colors"; "her dress was a violent red"; "a violent noise"; "wild colors"; "wild shouts"

See also: wild


marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions"

See also: fierce tearing vehement trigger-happy


characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann'd by Conquest's crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red rage"- Hudson Strode

See also: crimson