Trigger-happy in a sentence as an adjective

The mods on the StackOverflow sites seem to be trigger-happy deleting and locking posts.

From my experience, it has been a problem shared by many anti-cheat clients: they're all a bit too trigger-happy, even though they shouldn't be holding that gun in the first place.

"I'm in the desert, with a bunch of hyper-masculine trigger-happy ignorant rednecks as neighbors... and the only safe place I seem to have is this satellite internet connection.

Possibly a law that limits the weaponry that police forces can carry along with a reduction in civilian-owned guns might help curb some of these incidents involving trigger-happy cops.

Trigger-happy definitions


irresponsible in the use of firearms


marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions"

See also: fierce tearing vehement violent