Recidivism in a sentence as a noun

*** was used to treat criminals and reduced recidivism -- what does that say?

Norway has a recidivism rate of 20% within 2 years.

Private prisons do not bear any costs of recidivism - they profit from it.

Over the last 2 years he has put over 100 ex-cons and homeless through his program with 0% recidivism.

We shouldn't be focusing on recidivism, we should be focusing on what gets people into prison in the first place.

No-one expects that the US recidivism rate would drop to Norway's levels should the focus shift to a Norway-style penal system, but they do expect it would still drop markedly.

Its almost solely about incapacitation, which is why the national recidivism rate hovers at 66%.

You can't compare recidivism rates between a 300M nation of immigrants a 5M nation with an extremely homogenous culture.

Idem if it was a father, brother or a random friend, with otherwise no criminal record, no chance for recidivism and no other part in the crime being investigated.

A comment response by the top poster [1] deserves a full read as well, for observations of behavior, motivations, and recidivism by others in the system.

> Why is the recidivism rate for felons over 50%?Because it's damn near impossible to make an honest living with a felony conviction on your record in the current economy.

We have plenty of evidence to show that prisons designed for rehabilitation have lower incidences of recidivism than harsh, punitive ones.

Maybe the recidivism rate is 70% because prisons are focused more on punishment and vengeance than on rehabilitation and reintegration into society?

It's human that harm done to you or a close person is hard to forgive, but societies goals differ from the goals of the individual: The individuals goal is revenge, the societies goal is to keep the crime rate low. Part of that is betterment of offenders since it keeps the rate of recidivism lower, thus creates less future victims.

Pedophilia frightens people because of the recidivism rate, the damage it causes to the victim and the fact that the young age of the victim means they will live with the consequences of the crime against them for decades.

From the article, referring to recidivism rates in sex crimes: "But among the strongest predictors of recidivism are prior sexual offenses and sexual interest in children.

To ensure that they act in good faith towards the goal of a better society, instead of motivated by sheer profit, let us make a laws that compensate private prisons, not by the number of bodies they house, but instead on the recidivism rates.

If you google pedophilia recidivism rate you will immediately see things like:> [PDF]\nrecidivism rates for pedophiles - Université d'Ottawa> No differences were found between pedophiles and nonpedophiles with respect to recidivism ratesAre you perhaps spreading a very nasty myth?

By contrast, the "three strikes and you're out" rule of California, promoted as a make-work program by the prison guard trade union, needlessly imprisons tens of thousands of California convicts in degrading conditions that result in more recidivism when convicts are eventually released, and endangers the solvency of the whole state government.

Recidivism definitions


habitual relapse into crime