Vinaigrette in a sentence as a noun

Some divers add oil to make a nice vinaigrette.

Fish sauce vinaigrette is the best thing ever.

Mix turmeric with olive oil and/or vinaigrette and you get a tasty and healthy sauce.

" I immediately answered with the first thing that popped into my head: "Lets go with the raspberry vinaigrette this time.

Meanwhile the same amount of calories from some salad with a vinaigrette and grilled chicken breast will keep me feeling full for longer.

One of chef Gordon Ramsay's signature dishes is lobster ravioli with celery root cream and shellfish vinaigrette.

At first, you have no idea what they are doing, but after season three you just know that they don't have enough time to do a proper raspberry vinaigrette before the gong strike.

I don't know if you can "learn to cook" in an hour, but you can probably drive to the store, buy some vegetables, come home, and make a great salad with an awesome homemade vinaigrette dressing in less than an hour.

To avoid any tedious objections about SpaceX or something like that, I'll just note that HN had a front-page story yesterday about whether the French adopted vinaigrette from the Italians.

Vinaigrette definitions


oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic