Vigour in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps just not at extreme levels like people pursing NK with vigour.

You will still find doctors who do not treat medical problems in people with LD with the same vigour they'd treat people without LD.

A carpenter in London, and in some other places, is not supposed to last in his utmost vigour above eight years.

There's only one line you need to take away from the article: "Morgan Stanley makes no claims for the report's statistical vigour.

With the same vigour that religious devotees promote their book, and sports fans promote their football club, Apple customers promote their phone.

It's a controversial view that people shouldn't be forced into sex against their will but thats the kind of troll I am. I wish that the police investigated them all with this level of vigour but the fact that they don't has no real significance here other than another example of how high profile figures of all sorts tend to get more attention in these cases.

Since the green revolution the vast majority of farming has relied on first-generation hybrids, taking advantage of the phenomenon of hybrid vigour, in which only the first generation show improved agronomic traits.

I don't know about that - I've been following the Oric scene for a while and my perception is that there are indeed old programmers returning to the systems of their youth with renewed vigour, but also a better understanding for how to organize their project - and sources - in a way that makes more sense.

Third, imagine the \n counterfactual universe invents some device that can send \n invisible observers into our 2009, and make a documentary \n for the edification of the Imperial audience - showing this \n awful alternate 2009, in which the Massachusetts \n disturbances of the 1770s were not quashed with firm, manly \n vigour.\n\n What's neat is that such a documentary could be made, with \n existing technology, in the real 2009.

Vigour definitions


forceful exertion; "he plays tennis with great energy"; "he's full of zip"

See also: energy vigor


active strength of body or mind

See also: vigor dynamism heartiness


an imaginative lively style (especially style of writing); "his writing conveys great energy"; "a remarkable muscularity of style"

See also: energy muscularity vigor