Aficionado in a sentence as a noun

He got a taste of the Apple aficionado love so now he panders to it fullstop.

As an aficionado of bad movies, I agree that there is more to a bad movie than just low review scores.

I've found that as a casual comics aficionado, the sanest route is to just stick to omnibus/one shots.

He is an aficionado of those made by fashion designer Scott Morrison.

I recommend it to all of my aspiring coffee-aficionado friends.

As I drove, I felt inexplicably that this was the car of the future -- as a tech aficionado, I was finally driving a car that felt like the future.

Anyway, I happen to be somewhat of a beer and cheese aficionado and in my opinion Austrian beer is terrible, bland, and all the same.

As a programming language aficionado, I get really excited by the idea of Guile-Emacs.

I'm an Apple-aficionado, so perhaps I'm not completely objective in this matter, but the article didn't convince me that Samsung is really out-innovating Apple.

> I think ebonics if a load of crock, but as an aficionado of linguistics...I was under the impression that modern linguists generally agreed that good linguistics is descriptive, not prescriptive.

I'm also an avid strength training aficionado, for which I've learned more about the human physiology and the mechanics of lifting weights and their effect on your muscles and nervous system than I care to remember.

Aficionado definitions


a fan of bull fighting


a serious devotee of some particular music genre or musical performer