Victimise in a sentence as a verb

So you victimise people who mostly don't have any choice which browser they use, and lose their business. Good going...

What exactly could be changed to de-victimise those people?

That was the entire sub's purpose, to victimise and bully people. You could go on that sub any day of the week for months and that was their entire front page, pictures of fat people and hateful comments.

Don’t think anyone’s interested in a strong central government fighting unfair, unjust wars that just victimise their people. With regards to the war on *****.

I don't mean to victimise Lady ga ga here of course. It's just that the bigger artists are only getting any decent money at all because the smaller ones get virtually nothing.

Absolutely > Is it acceptable to attack someone in the court of Twitter, victimise them, hurt them, and hurt their friends and family? begging the question.

And, their whole business model seems to have been predicated upon the ability to victimise people who have no recourse. Not even Hulk Hogan had the money to fight back against them.

If a Western country sells something to a non-free country that gets used to victimise innocent people, are they morally culpable?

, or maybe someone who paid Ray to victimise Dell. But Bharara didn't go after Ray or anyone who knew Ray, and he didn't phrase the issue in terms of the damage done to Dell, and that was fundamentally at odds with how insider trading law works.

Then again, I would argue that this goes well beyond just a 'prank call' in that there is intent to specifically victimise someone by deceiving armed agents.

> poor and powerless being victimized by crime every day Quite a few people would say, if you actually ask them in their neighbourhoods, that the people who are more likely to victimise them on a daily basis are the police. That's why all the protests have appeared.

,rest all will be a breeze as the Big boys want more data,more and more to churn, bubble and victimise each citizen possible every day. Hail Facebook,Hail NSA and Other organised **** giving us false promise of security while churning our own data.

This time it is a large majority attempting to victimise a smaller minority for a reason which historically has led to wars, genocides and mass killing.

Is it acceptable to attack someone in the court of Twitter, victimise them, hurt them, and hurt their friends and family? Should society try to help everyone learn to be better, or should society righteously punish those who trangress the invisible boundaries of decency?

Sadly, by the time that happens, it is usually too late for any of their immediate subordinates whom they have already started to victimise. They always know the formal procedures better than you do, because this kind of person builds their whole career around playing the game to their own advantage.

Your boss is not your only reporting option, the US Army has a whistleblower option precisely for soldiers to report gross misconduct and crimes without being victimised by their immediate superiors.

The particularly nefarious aspect of this is that they try abuse the feminist label for credibility and then victimise themselves to avoid criticism. To paraphrase "you shouldn't treat women as if they are more vulnerable/inferior but you can't criticise me because I'm a woman and any criticism by you is sexist even if you are a woman yourself".

It would be wrong for him to turn down job applications from one of your two employees [on the grounds that they work for you, not based on their not matching his needs] and then inform you that they applied, allowing you to victimise them while torpedoing their own chances at the other company.

Victimise definitions


make a victim of; "I was victimized by this con-man"

See also: victimize


punish unjustly

See also: victimize